Trolling the depths and wastelands of the you don't have to.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hair of the Dog Never Tasted So Good.

This post makes me pine for the days of my misspent youth, imbibing the best Bloody Mary's ever at Madame Jumel's in upstate NY. The only way they could have been better would be with...Bacon Vodka! Check out the below link for Bakon Vodka. Especially the recipes page. There you will find such pork-themed drinks as; the Elvis Presley, the Irish Boar, and my favorite, the Swine Flu Shot (Bakon Vodka, Jagermeister, and Goldschlager). Yum!

Today's moment of bacon Zen.

Mandatory Saturday Zombie Post 
It is a tough life being a zombie. Wake up (do they even sleep?), wander with the peeps, looking for brains to gorge on. Then what? Luckily there is the WWZD Spinner. Now zombies can stop that incessant wandering and have some purpose in, death. Or is it un-death?

Friday, September 3, 2010

With Earl approaching, have emergency supplies (ie. bacon) ready.

In times of hurricane, natural disaster, or zombies, it pays to have a shelf-stable supply of bacon. Check out this, y'all! Scroll down and check the pics at this site. This stuff don't look half bad!

Today's moment of bacon Zen.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bacon-flavored envelopes, you ask? Yes, I reply.

From the people who brought you Baconaise (bacon mayonnaise) and Bacon Salt, I bring you Mmmmvelopes; bacon-flavored envelopes! A gaping hole in my life has been gleefully filled.

Today's moment of bacon Zen.

'Vintage' Internet Ads

 Who knew the internet had been around for so long? Some very cool ads designed by some Brazilian ad agency, for no apparent reason. Their waste of man hours is my blog post. Thanks to the soccer-playing, bikini-wearing Brazilians.  

Vintage Internet Ads

It's 9/02/10! As in, "Beverly Hills; 90210"!

Thanks to PopEater for pointing out that today's date coincides with the title of one of the 90's best (or worst?) shows. I was not a big fan (think I was busy watching Seinfeld), but still thought Shannen Doherty was pretty hot. Instead of paraphrasing the whole article, I will just post the link, and you can do what you may with it.

Stars who started on 90210

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Natural Selection at its Best.

Book available on Amazon
'Great Parenting 101' by the troglodytes who frequent Wally-World (as they call it down South). Enjoy!

Thanks to

Pretend you are a foreigner...

...but you still want trashy 'New York Post' type entertainment. You are in luck! These exist. Try these versions of the tried and true 'lowest common denominator' tabloids. Hell, I'm a fan!

Germany's BILD

UK's The SUN

First post. Let's get the ball rolling!

For today's post, I thought I'd go with what I do best: bacon.

Do this guy a solid and buy some of his shirts. They are sharp!

Today's moment of bacon Zen.