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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ham. Spanish Style.

The famous black-footed Iberian pigs of Spain (who knew there was such a thing?) lend their name to a suburban Atlanta restaurant that has (pardon the pun) gone "hog wild" in their pig-related offerings. The Iberian Pig (the restaurant) serves the rare and highly sought after Jamon Iberico ham from the Iberian pig (the animal). This prosciutto-like delicacy is sliced for you table side. Joining its prized cousin, The Iberian Pig (the restaurant) serves a variety of other Iberian pig (the animal) treats. Iberian ham is also good for you; rich in iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, vitamins B1, B2 and niacin, and the fat in Spanish ham is made up of oleic acid (the ‘good´ fat found in olive oil). And if all that isn't enough, you can wash it all down with an Iberian Old-Fashioned, made with bacon-infused rye. One more reason to visit Atlanta.

Don't be a ham, eat some ham.

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