Trolling the depths and wastelands of the you don't have to.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Best Invention Ever?

Because TV, beer, and a lack of physical activity are all a real man wants, I give you another amazing invention that I wish I thought of: the "Clicker". It is a universal remote and bottle opener in one. Because even twist-offs can be a hassle, why not have an opener? Now if there were only a way to fit bacon in there somewhere.

Clicker - Official site

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Well, I Suddenly Have A Date Open.

A truly sad story, for the rich in England, that is. It seems that because of the current economic uncertainty, the Queen has decided that it would be unladylike to flaunt her lifestyle in front of the working stiffs. That's right, the annual Christmas gala has been canceled. Check out the story from CNN and try not to get your knickers in a bunch.

Oh, poppycock!

Greatest Popcorn Related Invention Ever?

Another entry for the "why didn't I think of this" file. Ever have movie popcorn (duh, who hasn't) with butter, that was only buttery on top? Then you get to the middle and bottom and there is nothing but a dry, salty wasteland? Well, I give you the Flavor Funnel.This simple piece of plastic allows butter (or the chemical concoction that passes for butter) to mercifully pass to every layer, nook and cranny of your popcorn bag. Ensuring a future visit to the emergency room. Awesome!   

Those sounds you hear are arteries clogging.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Back In My Day It Was ZIMA.

How is it that this is the first I'm hearing of this stuff? I guess the latest drink of choice for the underage crowd is 'Four Loko', basically an ass-kicking concoction of caffeine, the crap in Red Bull, and three beers worth of alcohol (11%). All available in fruity (read: chick-friendly) flavors in the cooler section of your local 7-11. From this news article, it appears that trips to the emergency room are fairly normal after chugging this stuff. Well, now you know, don't chug this stuff. My public service announcement for the day.

News article.
Four Loko - official site. 

Maple Bacon Donut!

I was saving this one, but too many people have asked me "have you seen...?", so here goes. The Maple Bacon Bar from Voodoo Doughnuts in Portland, OR. Voodoo looks like possibly the greatest place in the universe. How can you not like a place who's motto is: "the magic is in the hole". Not only do they have bacon, but their menu is littered with creations right out of a kid's dreams; Captain Crunch, Coco Puffs, M&M's and Fruit Loops adorn doughnuts with some un-kid-like names (Cock n' Balls, Gay Bar, and the Memphis Mafia). Don't forget the Voodoo Doll, with raspberry jelly 'blood' and a pretzel stake in the heart. Portland is looking like a 'must' for my next vacation. Oh, and they also perform weddings on-site. Catering extra.

Doughnut awesomeness!