The Burger King Whopper Bar has opened in NYC and things may never be the same. Amongst the items that are unique to this 'premium' Burger King location (one of four nationwide) is the 'Meat Beast Whopper', which adds bacon and pepperoni to the classic Whopper burger. Also, you can create your own Whopper by adding on of the many available toppings, among them; 2 types of bacon (pepper and smoked), guacamole, and jalapenos. No details on if the Whopper Bar will be a meat market.
Burger King does uptown.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
30 Days Of Speed Creating.
I stumbled upon this dude in my usual stumbling ways. Dominick Wilcox is a self-described artist, designer and inventor. His blog - Variations on Normal - showcases his work and the deep recesses of his mind. The post that caught my interest was '30 Days of Speed Creating'. Every day - for 30 days - he attempted to create a piece of something creative and/or useful out of ordinary items. For no apparent reason. The results are interesting, to say the least. From the 'business card presenter tie' and 'onion ring fabric' to 'bread objects', this guy is definitely a variation of normal.
Stuff you need...or not.
Stuff you need...or not.
Ham. Spanish Style.
The famous black-footed Iberian pigs of Spain (who knew there was such a thing?) lend their name to a suburban Atlanta restaurant that has (pardon the pun) gone "hog wild" in their pig-related offerings. The Iberian Pig (the restaurant) serves the rare and highly sought after Jamon Iberico ham from the Iberian pig (the animal). This prosciutto-like delicacy is sliced for you table side. Joining its prized cousin, The Iberian Pig (the restaurant) serves a variety of other Iberian pig (the animal) treats. Iberian ham is also good for you; rich in iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, vitamins B1, B2 and niacin, and the fat in Spanish ham is made up of oleic acid (the ‘good´ fat found in olive oil). And if all that isn't enough, you can wash it all down with an Iberian Old-Fashioned, made with bacon-infused rye. One more reason to visit Atlanta.
Don't be a ham, eat some ham.
Don't be a ham, eat some ham.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Bacon Shoes...But Only For Women. Crap.
Why do women get to have all the fun?! One of my Facebook friends sent this to me, and despite already having a bacon post today, I had to put it right up. is where you can get 'em. I will be examining the shoes of the ladies I meet a little more closely now.
But do they smell as good as they look?
But do they smell as good as they look?
Your Daily Moment Of Bacon Zen.

Yes, that is bacon cotton candy. A bacon 'stick' with plain sugar cotton candy, dusted with dehydrated bacon. Created by the now defunct Blupoint Restaurant in Chicago. Would have liked to have tried that.
Mapping Stereotypes.
This site is the product of UK-based graphic designer Yanko Tsvetkov. On it he takes the map of Europe and labels each country as it is seen (stereotypically) by another country. The 'how the US sees Europe' is particularly hilarious. Though I know it is satire, I'm thinking the 'US view' he depicts if fairly accurate (see above). Other 'views' that I will assume are spot on (since I don't live in any of the other countries) are; Europe according to France (they see Sweden as 'meatball eaters'), Europe according to Italy (they see Turkey as 'belly dancers'), and Europe according to Russia (they see Ireland as 'drunks'...see stereotypes are often based in truth).
I'm moving in stereo(types).
I'm moving in stereo(types).
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
A Great Advertisement For Birth Control.
"Shit My Kids Ruined" has awesome photos, submitted by the blog's readers, of disasters and destruction that can result from mere moments of child inattentiveness. From painting the cat, to the disgusting 'poop gloves' (something you need to see), and...glitter, this is a condom advertisement in the making. Also, they have a sister site; "Shit My Pets Ruined". More visual evidence that living as a hermit in the middle of nowhere, away from animals and people, is the way to go.
Demon spawn on the loose.
Demon spawn on the loose.
Some Serious Coffee Here.
"...may promote feelings of mania, zania, euthanasia, fantasia, and all manner of paranoia. Should not be consumed by minors." So goes the opening description of "Meth Coffee", a stronger than strong blend of Joe that was apparently created by a bunch of escapees from an insane asylum. Or, are they crazy like a fox? This coffee has an amped up dose of caffeine and the herb 'yerba mate' (no, there isn't any meth in it). The website 'Live Science' did a story on Meth Coffee and yerba mate, and described the herb as such: " appears to create a mental state of wakefulness and alertness, but without some of the negative effects of caffeine (like heart palpitations and anxiety)." Check out the very entertaining and manic website, along with a mildly disturbing commercial. If you are into coffee that kicks your ass, or are looking to stay up really late tonight, try some Meth Coffee. And I even have a banner ad at the top of the site, so click it and get it!
Meth Coffee - Official Site
'Live Science' article.
Meth Coffee - Official Site
'Live Science' article.
Monday, October 4, 2010
5 Cupcake Flavors Better Than Bacon?!? (Part 3)
For the final post of cupcake day, we visit the 'Modern Domestic' blog. They held a vote to determine the next great cupcake flavor, in an attempt to (*gasp*) dethrone bacon as the "it" flavor of the moment. Though I think the whole thing is blasphemy, some of the flavors they came up with (including the winner, 'Bourbon Street') do not sound bad at all. Enjoy!
Cupcake chemistry.
Cupcake chemistry.
Bacon Porn: Cupcake Edition (Part 2).
I know I've posted on bacon cupcakes before, but it is cupcake day, so I have to post a pic. Now I/we can have our bacon fix for today. Also, this will fit in with "Cupcake Day: Part 3" (to follow). Oh, and the awesome cupcake is courtesy of 'BUZZ Bakery' in Alexandria, VA.
BUZZ Bakery.
BUZZ Bakery.
It's Cupcake Day! (Part 1)
I've been on a 'food combined with alcohol' kick the last couple days decided that more of a good thing couldn't be bad. For today, I've decided to focus solely on cupcakes, alcohol-infused and otherwise. For the former (the latter will come later), I've uncovered 'Butch Bakery'. The guys (I'm guessing it is guys, not sure if it's gay guys...not that there is anything wrong with that) objective is simple: make manly, non-frilly cupcakes in awesome flavors. With names like 'Rum & Coke', 'Mojito', 'Driller', 'Tailgate', 'Jackhammer' (ok, it's definitely gay guys), and 'B-52', I'd say they are well on their way. Check out the site, and if you are in NYC, they deliver!
Cupcakes on steroids!
Cupcakes on steroids!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Ice Cream For Daddies, And Kids With Fake IDs.
I was walking around the other day thinking, "you know, there aren't nearly enough foods that contain alcohol." Well, at least one of those is taken care of; ice cream. We have Humphrey Slocombe in San Francisco to thank for this. With flavors like; 'Guinness Gingerbread', 'Russian Imperial Stout', 'Collaborative Evil Ale', and 'Jesus Juice' (red wine and coke), your spiked ice cream needs have been met. But there are two flavors that require further examination and special attention: 'Secret Breakfast', which contains bourbon and corn flakes, because shouldn't every breakfast? And then there is the one flavor that got my attention...'Boccalone Prosciutto' (Boccalone being a purveyor of all things fine and pork-y, and will get their own separate post down the road). Yes, pork ice cream. Though it doesn't contain alcohol, it does contain "salty pig parts", along with fennel and black pepper. There are too many other flavors to go into, but the good news? They ship. Anywhere. I'm thinking pork ice cream for dessert tomorrow.
Ice cream nirvana.
Article by Glutenfree Girl
Ice cream nirvana.
Article by Glutenfree Girl
A Vitamin For Drinkers? Cheers!
I'm sure I'm not alone in having had one or two (hundred) nights where over imbibing has caused less than favorable reactions the following morning. Now there is a vitamin supplement that claims to not only give you your daily supply of necessary nutrients, but to also prevent hangovers and other damage from too many hot toddies. 'Drinkwel' is billed as the "multivitamin for healthy people who drink." The description goes on say that 'Drinkwel' will "replenish nutrients, support healthy liver function, and help process alcohol induced toxins." Three capsules daily, and three more before bedtime after a night out, is supposed to make that hangover less nasty and keep you healthier overall. I'm down with that.
No more hangover? I'll drink to that!
No more hangover? I'll drink to that!
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